Special Bred Cow/Heifer & Feeder Sale
Monday Dec 19 2022 - 11am

65 Blk Cows 4-12yr with Sept. calves @ side.
-Bulls turned back in Dec 1.
23 Bwf Cows 3yr
-Bred to Graham Angus bull to calve Mar 10 for 65 Days
20 Blk Bwf 5-10yr
-Bred Blk or Herf to calve Apr 1
20 Blk Cows 3-9yr
-Bred Blk to start calving Apr 10. Cows all originated from Peters Genetics.
15 Blk Cows 5-8yr
-Bred Gelb to start calving Apr 20 for 60 Days. Complete mineral program
10 Blk Bwf Cows 4-6 yr
-Bred to Pitt Herf Bull to start calving in Jan
5 Bred heifers South Devon/Char X
-Bred Black to calve in April

51 Blk Strs 800#
43 Blk Strs & Hfrs 300-600#
-Spring shots, LTW
15 Blk Hfrs 600-800#
15 Blk Strs & Hfrs 600-650#
13 Blk Strs & Hfrs 400-650#
-Vacc & LTW
3 Maine Angus X Hfrs 900#
- CHV and Open

Listings updated as come in, so check back often.